Saturday, January 19, 2008


Alia still demam...pity dia. Tengoklah muka dia.. dah cengkung. Tak makan and then muntah pulak tu..Tapi demam dia waktu malam jer..siang dia ok.

Now we look at Aiman's activity...

Ada ka patut main masak masak..dah macam tak ada toy lain yang boleh dia main. Set masak2 tu actually nenek ngan atuk dia yang belikan untuk Alia. Aiman biasalah, bila benda yang bukan dia punya tulah yang dia nak sangat..Who knows, he might be one of the top chef in the dun min...tapi dengan syarat, Aiman kena maintain macho.

My parent in-law is here. Abah is going for his next check up on Monday. Mak pulak baru inform yang dia ada fibroid. So today, we took her to KBCM for further check up. Bila tengok scan and x-ray, besar betul fibroid tu. Esok, Ahad kena jumpa doktor balik untuk confirmkan operation date. Kesian mak, nervous habis. Tengoklah nanti bila date untuk operation tu...Insya Allah everything will go ok.

My hubby is waiting to use the notebook..sibuk jer. Tak boleh tengok kita ni senang sikit...nak surf internet - soccerlah tu. Boring tullah. Saja je I nak buat lambat2. Biar padan muka dia..asyik bola bola bola...kalau tak bola, memancing! Tension makcik...

Oklah...esok nak bangun hospital...


Thursday, January 17, 2008


Alia demam panas. Yesterday we brought her to clinic..Doc masuk kan ubat and gave her medicines..banyak. Aiman got jealous coz all attentions goes to the sister. He, apparently fall sick too and keep on asking the doc to examine him as well. He will not stop bugging the doc until she do so. Lagi satu lupa nak cakap..Bibik bagi Aiman pakai T-shirt Powerpuff warna PINK!!! so not wonder I feel like something is not right with him...rupa2nya the T-shirt!!! Bibik ni pun satu..pakai hentam jer..nasib baik dia tak pakaikan Aiman skirt...

So malam tu, Alia tido awal. I pun letak towel basah nak bagi panas dia turun...the moment I did that, Aiman start to cry..sedih sangat rasanya bila kakak dia sakit. He start to hug the sister (sambil menangis), non stop kiss kakak dia...tido pun sebelah Alia. Me touching...Segarang2 Aiman tu lembut jugak hati dia yer. Agaknya dia rasa bersalah kot coz sebelum tu dia baling remote control kat kakak dia...berebut channel tv.

Today, Alia MC...tak pergi sekolah. Badan still panas...kesian. I think mungkin pasal penat sangat kot....Itupun sibuk nak pergi sekolah..

She told me this one little secret..Alia kata ada orang minat dia (goshh....nak pecah perut I dibuatnya). This boy keep on holding her hand (their seat next to each other) and i asked her whether dia marah that boy or not....her answer is this...."Tak Mama...teacher kan ada kat depan tu..kalau Alia marah dia, nanti teacher marah Alia balik...sebab bila dia pegang tangan Alia...Alia biar je...lepas tu kan Mama...bila dia nak balik, he gave me flying kiss...". Aduh...sakit jantung I.. Ini baru standard one...belum lagi form 1....dugaan....
But whatever it is I will always be her bestfren...I want her to tell me everything so it will be easier for me to tell her things that she can or cannot do.

Nowadays, the way we educate our children is so much different dengan cara dulu dulu..kena main tarik tali..if you being too tough they might be rebellious...but if you are too flexible, they will be at the top of your head...Now I can really feel the challenge...nak jaga anak bukan senang especially city kids. Salute lah kat my parents..lagi lagi bila anak dah besar...macam2 kerenah....One thing for sure,Shahrul and I will try and do our level best to make sure at least our kids have a comfortable life and to give them the best in everything..Insya Allah...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Sweethearts

These are the faces that I luv the soulmate, my angels Alia and Aiman..Luv them so much


Today I'm so tired..Not enough sleep...Gosshhh....dah lah tido lambat, membalut buku teks anak tercinta... Wake up at 4.30am coz my hero yang sorang tu gatal mama dia kena jadi dayang...Sayang anak kan..

Then.....continue buat breakfast for my dear princess....kalau tak ada bekal untuk sekolah, she will start grumbling and start to sound like granny..and you will be surprise of all words that can come out from that small sweet little mouth. Scary...

But despite feeling tired, not enough sleep...I guess I'm happy with my life..Everything is complete...I have a GREAT husband by my side, two adorable kids...wonderful life is greatttt!!!! That's why I put on weight...this is the only thing that makes me unhappy....MY NEW YEAR RESOLUTION...kurus balik..he he ..I wish...